Biondo Contracting specializes in delivering top-notch Expert Flat Roofing Installations in New Jersey.
As our team consists of superior licensed and Certified in Flat Roofing Applications in New Jersey. Ultimately, with more than three decades of experience in the roofing industry. Since opening our doors, Biondo Contracting has earned numerous awards, accolades and many positive customer reviews.
Having extensive experience in applying polymer-modified bitumen membranes on a variety of flat roofing projects. In conclusion, our expertise, guarantees, and quality, assurances ensure customer confidence and positive satisfaction.
Accordingly, our approach to residential flat roof procedures, involves removing old roofing materials down to the roof decking. As we then inspect and replace any compromised decking areas with new wood decking.
Installation begins with a clean, prepared surface. We apply an SBS smooth modified bitumen self-adhered layered Base Sheet, directly to the wood decking.
Secondly, installing a self adhesive, granulated surface, Modified Bitumen (MB) over the SBS Base sheet. This approach prevents fire hazards during installation and leverages cutting-edge roofing technology and expertise.

For commercial flat roofing commercial procedures, we install modified bitumen (MB) using a torch application method. Optimally, ensuring aggressive superior adhesion over a high-grade fiber DensDeck Roof Board. Importantly, this provides a fire-resistant base compatible with the heat-welding or torch application.
To further seal the roof, by applying a Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating. This aluminum-based sealer protects the roof from UV radiation and prolongs the life of the modified bitumen roof installation.

Biondo Contracting leads the way in setting high industry standards for flat roofing installations in all of central New Jersey. Operating without any sales pitches from commission-driven salespeople. Owner of the company Samuel Biondo, and son Gino personally oversee the daily business operations.
Devoted and dedicated for over 30 years, operating a successful business, based on quality and superior workmanship. Always staying on the cutting edge, keeping up with new improved products and state of the art technology.